Local knowledge of Mecula Haroano Laa as social cohesion of agricultural communities in Buton utara district

Syahrun Syahrun, Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo, Halim Halim, Alias Alias

Article ID: 6452
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 18 (Abstract) 8 (PDF)


Mecula Haroano Laa is a local wisdom that includes beliefs, norms, and practices passed down from generation to generation in the context of agricultural resource preservation and community cultural identity formation. The author is interested in investigating the practices of the Mecula Haroano Laa tradition, which is unique to North Buton Regency and has unique specifications and characteristics. This research uses a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used in this study are in-depth interviews and participatory observations. The results of this study demonstrate that Mecula Haroano Laa in North Buton society is more than just an agricultural custom; it is also an attempt to strengthen social solidarity among community members. This practice reflects the spirit of solidarity, gotong royong together, and respect for the environment. The North Buton community is actively involved in implementing Mecula Haroano Laa as a form of participation in developing sustainable agriculture. This research contributes to understanding the importance of local wisdom in building social cohesion in communities. Research implications include sustainable planning and efforts to empower communities in developing farms in North Buton Regency. Natural resource management policies may incorporate. Mecula Haroano Laa’s effective and sustainable resource management techniques to promote wise use, environmental conservation, economic resilience, and dependency reduction.


local; Mecula Haroano Laa; cohesion; community; agricultural

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.6452


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