Identifying factors of online shopping and influence on purchase intention of product among Saudi consumers: The mediating role of consumer trust
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
The rise of Internet technology has transformed consumer shopping behaviors, offering convenience and a wide range of options, making online shopping increasingly popular. In Saudi Arabia, this trend has grown significantly due to higher internet penetration, technological advancements, and shifting consumer preferences. However, building and maintaining consumer trust remains a crucial challenge. Despite the growing interest, there is limited research on the unique aspects of Saudi consumers’ online shopping behaviors. This study aims to address this gap by identifying key factors influencing these behaviors and examining their impact on purchase intentions, with a focus on the mediating role of consumer trust. This study explores factors influencing online shopping behavior and their impact on purchase intention, with a focus on consumer trust as a mediator. Using a survey of 573 respondents from Jeddah and Medina, Saudi Arabia, key factors identified through literature review include perceived usefulness, ease of use, risk perception, website quality, and social influence. The quantitative analysis revealed that customer service and return policies, information quality, perceived convenience, ease of use, usefulness, cost-saving, product variety, and social influence significantly affect consumer trust, which in turn enhances purchase intention. These findings provide valuable insights for businesses to optimize digital strategies, enhance consumer engagement, and foster long-term customer relationships, thereby boosting satisfaction and online business success.
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