The relationship effect of innovation on online organizational learning applications and employees engagement in Jordanian public sector
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
The study’s purpose is to investigate the relationship effect of innovation on online organizational learning applications and employees’ engagement in the Jordanian public sector. Quantities and descriptive analytical approach were used, and the population was covered (10) Jordanian public departments in Amman capital. Convenience method was used, which covered all departments’ managers and assistances in the Jordanian public services department’s headquarters, with (284) employee. Electronic survey set used. The SPSS-V20 and AMOS-V24 were used for hypotheses statistical analysis testing. The study found a significant impact of online organizational learning applications in its dimensions (Zoom, Teams, Goto Meeting, and Google Meet) on employee’s engagement, and a significant relationship of innovation between online organizational learning applications and employee’s engagement in Jordanian public services departments. The study contributions show that employees are willing to engage with their occupied work to achieve work goals, and to control over of how they undertake the employees career development, empowerment, communication skills, and work completion competences. The study implications for organizations management to conduct more future studies concerning online organizational learning applications by other dimensions as well as social media and other digital workshop and training in different organizations environments.
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