Income of women whose jobs were to sort eucalyptus leaves after the COVID-19 pandemic

Pardamean Daulay, Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo, Sri Pujiati

Article ID: 6432
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


Buru Regency is the primary hub for producing eucalyptus oil, a highly valued commodity in the region. The oil extracted from the eucalyptus epidemic plant possesses antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal characteristics. Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous industries require it as a fundamental component of pharmaceuticals. An essential factor in the eucalyptus oil production process is the presence of eucalyptus leaves. Therefore, leaf-sorting workers, including women, are required to ensure this availability. However, in reality, the daily lives of eucalyptus leaf massagers are characterized by challenging economic conditions and a socio-economic environment that lags behind workers in other sectors. This study aims to examine and investigate the roles and work patterns of employed women and the strategies they employ to ensure the consistent flow of household income. The research employed a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological approach. A total of 24 informants were purposefully selected based on their involvement in achieving the research objectives. The results indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic has altered the circumstances of women who collect leaves and rely heavily on eucalyptus trees as a natural resource. Physical adaptation strategies are the preferred methods used to fulfill household requirements. Implementing physical adaptations does not deter women leaf-sorters from continuing their work. Their commitment to meeting their basic needs significantly motivates them to persist in their role as leaf sorters. The income of women engaged in sorting eucalyptus leaves in their households during the COVID-19 pandemic.


sequencer; leaf; female; adaptation; physical

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