Utilization of electronic transactions to increase non-tax state revenue in the telecommunications sector

Tasya Safiranita, Zainal Muttaqin, Dadang Epi Sukarsa, Ega Ramadayanti, Ramalinggam Rajamanickam, Ahmad M. Ramli, Mochammad Aditia Gustawinata

Article ID: 6421
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


The telecommunications sector is crucial in a country’s economy. The advancements in information and communication technology have had a significant impact on this sector, particularly in the electronic transactions domain. The utilization of electronic transactions in the telecommunications sector can yield substantial benefits, including increasing non-tax state revenue and economic development in Indonesia. The Covid-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for the sharp rise in internet usage and telecommunications services, such as work-from-home, distance learning, online shopping or payments, industrial digitization, telemedicine, and others. Consequently, digital transformation has accelerated, necessitating the equitable distribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Indonesia. The utilization of electronic transactions has directly contributed to the increase in state revenue from non-tax sector, particularly in the telecommunications sector. This can be observed through the continuous growth of non-tax revenue achieved by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, surpassing the set targets each year in terms of realized value. The objective of this research is to analyze the effectiveness, challenges, and impacts of electronic transactions in increasing non-tax state revenue, in order to generate policy recommendations in Indonesia. This study uses a normative juridical method, analyzing positive legal provisions. Data sources were obtained from three types of legal materials, and data collection was conducted both online and offline. The research results indicate that the utilization of electronic transactions can increase non-tax state revenue in the telecommunications sector through various forms such as telecommunications bill payments, e-commerce transactions, sales of prepaid credit and data packages, telecommunications devices, digital services, content delivery, and transaction monitoring and oversight.


utilization; non-tax; telecommunication; electronic transaction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.6421


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