Level of job burnout among employees of King Khalid University

Abdulaziz Saeed Alqahtani

Article ID: 6324
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study aimed at measuring the level of job burnout among King Khalid University staff. The descriptive-analytical approach was employed to describe job burnout, determine its prevalence, identify its causes, and propose ways to address it. This method was used for comparison, interpretation, and generating information to assist in understanding the phenomena of job burnout and to devise recommendations for mitigating its prevalence. The results showed that the overall mean estimation of the dimensions of the level of occupational burnout from the perspective of university staff was (2.28), with a standard deviation of (0.81), indicating a low degree. The arithmetic means of the study sample responses to the dimensions ranged from (1.98–2.66). This provides a good indicator of the prevalence of occupational burnout. The findings showed that individuals in higher ranks experience higher levels of job burnout compared to the rest of the ranks classified in the study.


burnout; job performance; university professors

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd6324


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