Decision-making model in ancestral knowledge management: The case of the Raicilla in Mexico

Antonieta Martínez-Velasco, Antonia Terán-Bustamante, Suhey Ayala-Ramírez, Víctor Manuel Castillo-Girón

Article ID: 6171
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 161 (Abstract)


Ancestral knowledge is essential in the construction of learning to preserve the sense of relevance, transmit and share knowledge according to its cultural context, and maintain a harmonious relationship with nature and sustainability. The objective of this research is to study and analyze the management of ancestral knowledge in the production of the Raicilla to provide elements to rural communities, producers, and facilitators in decision-making to be able to innovate and be more productive, competitive, sustainable, and improve people’s quality of life. The methodological strategy was carried out through Bayesian networks and Fuzzy Logic. To this end, a model was developed to identify and quantify the critical factors that impact optimally managed technology to generate value that translates into innovation and competitive advantages. The evidence shows that the optimal and non-optimal management of knowledge, technology, and innovation management and its factors, through the causality of the variables, permits us to capture the interrelationship more adequately and manage them. The results show that the most relevant factors for adequate management of ancestral knowledge in the Raicilla sector are facilitators, denomination of origin, extraction and fermentation, and government. The proposed model will support these small producers and help them preserve their identity, culture, and customs, contributing greatly to environmental sustainability.


ancestral knowledge; knowledge management; Raicilla; Bayesian networks; fuzzy logic; Mexico; low-tech

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