The effect of digital curation on visitor behavior in museum expositions

Fan Gao, Veronika Keller

Article ID: 6153
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 136 (Abstract)


This study examines the impact of digitally curated museum exhibitions on visitor behavior, with a particular focus on university students from China and Hungary (n = 308). Using PLS-SEM analysis, the research finds that visitors’ experiences during digital curation visits significantly influence their behavior, and this influence is mediated by perceived value and satisfaction. It is recommended that museums consider the following constructive considerations to facilitate their future development: expanding the application of digital curation, utilizing cutting-edge technologies, implementing data-driven curatorial optimization, enhancing social experiences, integrating education and entertainment, and promoting cultural preservation and environmental stewardship. These insights will help guide museums toward more engaging and sustainable experiences.


digital curation; museum visitor behavior; perceived value; visitor satisfaction; visiting experience

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