Exploring the intersection of sustainable design and cultural heritage: Enhancing community enterprise through product innovation in bamboo basketry using post-harvest sugar cane leaves

Vuthipong Roadkasamsri

Article ID: 6097
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024



This research explores the dynamic intersection of sustainable design, cultural heritage, and community enterprise, focusing on the innovative utilization of post-harvest sugar cane leaves in bamboo basketry production from various provinces in Thailand. This study aims to investigate how design anthropology principles can enhance community enterprises’ resilience and sustainability by employing a qualitative case study approach. Findings reveal that while traditional bamboo basketry reflects the region’s rich cultural heritage, a shift towards sustainable practices offers environmental benefits and economic opportunities. Design anthropology informs the development of culturally relevant products, fostering market competitiveness and preserving traditional craftsmanship. Moreover, government policies play a pivotal role in supporting or hindering the growth of community enterprises, with soft power initiatives holding promise for promoting cultural heritage and sustainability. Collaboration between policymakers, design anthropologists, and local stakeholders is essential for developing inclusive policies that empower communities and foster sustainable development. Overall, integrating sustainable design practices and cultural insights holds significant potential for enhancing the resilience and effectiveness of community enterprises, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for both the industry and the communities it serves. This study is a testament that design anthropology provides a powerful framework for addressing complex social and environmental issues through the lenses of culture and design.


sustainable design; design anthropology; cultural heritage; qualitative case study; collaboration; Thailand

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd6097


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