Online dispute resolution mechanism for cross-border e-commerce: Empirical evidence from China

Xiangbin Zuo, Nur Khalidah Dahlan, Haniff Ahamat

Article ID: 6096
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 85 (Abstract) 49 (PDF)


With the rapid development of global e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce has become an important force in promoting international trade and economic globalization. Due to the rapid development of cross-border e-commerce, the number of online disputes is gradually increasing. These disputes demonstrate their complexity and diversity in terms of legal application, evidence acquisition, and enforcement. Tmall Global is a cross-border e-commerce platform under the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group. This study takes Tmall Global as an example to analyze the characteristics of disputes on this platform and explore the current situation of online disputes in cross-border e-commerce. Drawing on the experience of online dispute resolution in the European Union, ASEAN, and other regions, this article proposes a series of suggestions to improve China’s cross-border e-commerce online dispute resolution mechanism, including enhancing the platform’s own dispute resolution capabilities, strengthening international cooperation and artificial intelligence, optimizing dispute resolution processes using large data and cloud computing, strengthening consumer rights protection, and optimizing legal and regulatory frameworks. The aim is to provide an effective dispute resolution mechanism for China’s cross-border e-commerce platforms and provide useful reference for other countries.


cross border e-commerce; disputes; Online Dispute Resolution (ODR); Tmall Global; improvement suggestions

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