20th century travel to Petra: A narrative study

Mousa Masadeh, Fawzi Abudanah, Mohammed Tarawneh, Samer Al-Sabi, Bellal Abuhelaleh

Article ID: 6079
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 11 (Abstract) 4 (PDF)


This study explores the early travelers to Petra, Jordan, during the 20th century. To gain insights into the evolution of early travel experiences to Petra during this specific period, the researchers utilized narrative analysis and conducted in-depth interviews with 14 elderly inhabitants of Wadi Musa who resided in the area at that time. These interviews provided valuable information and served as a basis for visually representing the primary routes that emerged from the participants’ narratives. This study delves into the accessibility of early travelers to Petra in the 20th century by creating a comprehensive map that outlines the trails, byways, and roads used by these travelers to reach Petra. The study’s findings also revolve around the identified stages derived from the data gathered through these interviews.


tourism; 20th century; Petra; early travelers; stages; narrative analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.6079


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