Climate resilience in aquaculture: A cluster analysis of Chinese coastal regional production and farming practices in the face of climatic shifts 2017–2021

Peiwen Wang, Isabel Mendes

Article ID: 6052
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


This study conducts a comprehensive analysis of the aquaculture industry across 11 coastal regions in eastern China from 2017 to 2021 to assess their adaptability and resilience in the face of climate change. Cluster analysis was employed to examine regional variations in aquaculture adaptation by analyzing data on annual average temperatures, annual extreme high/low temperatures, annual average relative humidity, annual sunshine duration, and total yearly precipitation alongside various aquaculture practices. The findings reveal that southern regions, such as Fujian and Guangdong, demonstrate higher adaptability and resilience due to their stable subtropical climates and advanced aquaculture technologies. In contrast, northern regions like Liaoning and Shandong, characterized by more significant climatic fluctuations, exhibit varying degrees of cluster changes, indicating a continuous need to adjust aquaculture strategies to cope with climatic challenges. Additionally, the study explores the specific impacts of climate change on species selection, disease management, and water resource utilization in aquaculture, emphasizing the importance of developing region-specific strategies. Based on these insights, several strategic recommendations are proposed, including promoting species diversification, enhancing disease monitoring and control, improving water quality management techniques, and urging governmental support for policies and technical guidance to enhance the climate resilience and sustainability of the aquaculture sector. These strategies and recommendations aim to assist the aquaculture industry in addressing future climate challenges and fostering long-term sustainable development.


aquaculture resilience; climate change adaptation; regional variability; sustainable aquaculture practices

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