Evaluating the impact of transition services on post-school outcomes for Saudi students with special needs
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
This study examined the impact of transition programs on the post-school outcomes of Saudi adolescents with special needs. The study examines the impact of vocational training, career counseling, and community participation on job outcomes, the pursuit of further education, and the acquisition of independent living skills. The research is conducted on a diverse sample of 500 students (260 girls and 240 boys). The data is analyzed using descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and ANOVA, revealing positive perceptions of transition services and identifying significant predictors of post-school performance. Post-hoc testing enhances understanding of nuanced differences between groups. The findings underscore the need for tailored transition programs that prioritize the extent of vocational training and apply culturally responsive approaches. Proposed approaches include enhancing vocational training programs, enhancing career counseling services, encouraging community involvement, and performing continuous research and evaluation. This study makes substantial additions to the current corpus of knowledge and provides crucial information to influence policy and practice in Saudi Arabia.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd5651
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