Enhancing quality postgraduate research productivity in Africa for sustainability: Roles of governance structures and policies

Chinaza Uleanya

Article ID: 5591
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


The quest for quality postgraduate research productivity through education is on the increase. However, in the context of the African society, governance structures and policies seem to be impacting on the quality level of the provided education. Hence, this conceptual study explored the roles of governance structures and policies in enhancing and ensuring quality postgraduate education programmers in African institutions of higher learning. To this end, various relevant literature was reviewed. The findings showed amongst others that governance structures and policies affect the quality of education provided. Meanwhile, other factors such as curriculum, foreign influence, lack of resources, training, amongst others contribute to the quality of education provided. The study concludes that there is need for the current structures of governance and the designed and implemented policies for postgraduate education to be reviewed and adjusted towards ensuring the desired transformation.


Africa; globalization; glocalization; governance structure; policies; quality postgraduate education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd5591


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