A comprehensive insight into manufacturing industry supply chain dynamics: A case study of the mosquito coil sector’s challenges

Walton Wider, Baljit Singh Harcharan Singh, Murni Zarina Mohamed Razali, Syarifah Mastura Syed Abu Bakar, Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram, Lester Naces Udang, Chunwen Yang

Article ID: 5579
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


This research explores the interactions within supply chains in the manufacturing sector, with a special emphasis on the distinctive obstacles encountered by the mosquito coil industry. The study is motivated by the need to comprehensively understand and address the multifaceted challenges encountered by manufacturers in their supply chain processes. The mosquito coil industry holds significant importance in Malaysia, primarily due to the country’s tropical climate, which is conducive to mosquito proliferation and the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases. Nowadays, there are growing complexities and disruptions experienced by the mosquito coil sector’s supply chain, prompting an in-depth investigation. The main objective is to identify the challenges and resilience strategies employed by manufacturers in this sector, providing an understanding that contributes to the broader discourse on supply chain dynamics. Employing a qualitative case study methodology, this research engages in extensive data collection through interviews, document analysis, and direct observations within the selected mosquito coil manufacturing entity. This methodology allows for an immersive exploration of the challenges faced, revealing insights into the factors influencing the supply chain dynamics. The study reveals a wide array of challenges, from obtaining raw materials to managing distribution logistics, underscoring the unique complexities specific to the sector. As a result, the research identifies and analyzes resilience strategies implemented by the mosquito coil manufacturer to mitigate challenges, such as procurement challenges faced in financial related issues, logistical complexities occurred from recent years’ worldwide pandemic, production disruptions from company’s human resource-related issues, global factors from the company’s competitors and market challenges, and technology integration from rapid technological advancements. Thus, implications of this study extend beyond the mosquito coil sector, contributing valuable knowledge to the academic community, practitioners, and policymakers involved in supply chain management. The research not only addresses the identified challenges but also serves as a foundation for enhancing the overall understanding of manufacturing supply chain dynamics, thereby fostering informed decision-making for improved industry resilience.


sustainable supply chain; Malaysian manufacturing industry; mosquito coil manufacturer; risk management; technological innovations

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i9.5579


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Copyright (c) 2024 Walton Wider, Baljit Singh Harcharan Singh, Murni Zarina Mohamed Razali, Syarifah Mastura Syed Abu Bakar, Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram, Lester Naces Udang, Chunwen Yang

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