Supply chain and logistics in smart cities: A systematic literature review

Federico Chmet, Valerio Brescia, Ginevra Degregori, Paolo Biancone

Article ID: 5525
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


Rapid urban expansion gives rise to smart cities which pose immense logistical and supply chain challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic transformed the holistic system identified by Zhao et al. in 2021. The system encompasses logistics and supply chain integral to the concept of smart cities, with a focus on sustainability. This transformation requires an in-depth study on challenges of a common framework of policies for smart cities in countries comprising the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The study employs an extensive literature analysis for the period 2020–2022. an approach which contextualizes the model. The model identifies the causes, impact, and spillovers of new trends in logistics and supply, including the sustainability of adopted technologies. The study includes the variables involved, and barriers to creating a shared model. The results reveal that the two elements affecting the supply chain and transport in smart cities are Industry 4.0 and 5.0 technologies supporting specific sectors. The resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises positively impacts the sustainability of large urban centres. The study presents both factors that help and hinder the adoption of environmental, social, and economic sustainability technologies.


smart city; supply chain; logistics; systematic literature review; sustainability; smart city ecosystem; COVID-19; OECD

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