Enhancing innovation competitiveness spun pile method risk: Insights from ISO 56002:2019
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
Integrated risk value response is designed to reduce threats and increase opportunities, especially in terms of running the spun pile method innovation process in accordance with the ISO 56002:2019 standard. Implementing innovation can reduce risks and increase the competitiveness of the company. The method of making or producing spun piles is the research area examined in this study. Questionnaires were distributed to workers in precast concrete companies and most of them were involved in each spun pile production line in the company in order to identify the risk factors that existed in the production line for the spun pile manufacturing method. 30 respondents were workers from organizations in the positions of Director, Manager and Staff. The risk values and impacts are mapped for each dimension to the activity details and it is found that there are 5 high risks as dominant ones, mainly risks with codes R41, R10, R4, R37, and R36. Based on a survey, the highest risk of 30% was found in the stressing & spinning dimension, which is recommended for the innovation process. Innovation is conducted with 5 innovation processes, mainly identifying opportunities, creating concepts, validating concepts, developing solutions, and deploying solutions. Recommendations for improvements are made with preventive and corrective actions that must be taken from every aspect of the spun pile production method activities. Innovation recommendations are also proposed to monitor production activities in real-time utilizing existing information and communication technology. Handling of spun pile waste material must also be implemented with certain methods and produce products that add value for the company. Ultimately, to increase the company’s competitiveness by increasing assets, it is recommended to increase the company’s intangible assets. The company’s intangible assets encompass IPR ownership in the form of Patents and Copyrights.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.5461
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