Digital citizenship and paradigm shift in generation z’s emotional communication: Social media’s role in shaping Iranian familial bonds
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
This study examines the intricate interplay between the digital environment and the evolving communication dynamics of Generation Z, specifically focusing on the impact of social media on familial bonds. The research objective is to explore the ways in which Generation Z’s social media consumption patterns shape their relationships and lives, providing insights into the intricate interplay between technology and human connections. Adopting Hirschi and Wellman’s theoretical framework, this investigation employs a survey method, utilizing a questionnaire to gather data from 384 Iranian Generation Z social media users. The findings reveal a significant and negative correlation between family bonds and social media usage, dependency on the platform, and support received from it. Excessive use diminishes interaction and intimacy, highlighting social media’s potential consequences for family relationships, which are crucial for individual and societal well-being. The study underscores the significance of balanced social media usage and encourages initiatives promoting face-to-face interactions, empathy, and responsible digital citizenship. The findings hold significant implications for academics and policymakers in developing strategies that promote responsible digital habits, foster healthy relationships, and contribute to digital citizenship advancement. This may involve regulatory initiatives, guidelines for social media platforms, and public awareness campaigns emphasizing the importance of balanced digital habits.
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