Understanding employee training satisfaction in China’s coal industry from the perspective of Baldwin and Ford’s transfer of training model
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
In the fast-paced modern society, enhancing employees’ professional qualities through training has become crucial for enterprise development. However, training satisfaction remains under-studied, particularly in specialized sectors such as the coal industry. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the impact of personal characteristics, organizational characteristics, and training design on training satisfaction, utilizing Baldwin and Ford’s transfer of training model as the theoretical framework. The study identifies how these factors influence training satisfaction and provides actionable insights for improving training effectiveness in China’s coal industry. Design/Methodology/Approach: A cross-sectional design that allowed the study to capture data at one point in time from a large sample of employees was employed to conduct an online survey involving 251 employees from the Huaibei Mining Group in Anhui Province, China. The survey was administered over three months, capturing a diverse sample with nearly equal gender distribution (51% male, 49% female) and a majority aged between 21 and 40. The participants represented various educational backgrounds, with 52.19% holding an undergraduate degree and most occupying entry-level positions (74.9%), providing a broad workforce representation. Findings: The research indicated that personal traits were the chief predictor of training satisfaction, showing a beta coefficient of 0.585 (95% CI: [0.423, 0.747]). Linear regression modeling indicates that training satisfaction is strongly related to organizational attributes (β = 0.276 with a confidence interval of 95% [0.109, 0.443]). In contrast, training design did not appear to be a strong predictor (β = 0.094, 95% CI: [−0.012, 0.200]). Employee training satisfaction was the principal outcome measure, measured with a 5-point Likert scale. The independent variables covered personal characteristics, organizational characteristics, and training design, all measured through validated items taken from former research. The consistency of the questionnaire from the inside was strong, as Cronbach’s alpha values stood between 0.891 and 0.936. We completed statistical testing using SPSS 27.0, complemented by multiple linear regression, to study the interactions between the variables. Practical implications: This research contributes to the literature by emphasizing the necessity for context-specific training approaches within the coal industry. It highlights the importance of considering personal and organizational characteristics when designing training programs to enhance employee satisfaction. The study suggests further exploration of the multifaceted factors influencing training satisfaction, reinforcing the relevance of Baldwin and Ford’s theoretical model in understanding training effectiveness. Ultimately, the findings provide valuable insights for organizations seeking to improve training outcomes and foster a more engaged workforce. Conclusion: The study concluded that personal and organizational characteristics significantly impact employee training satisfaction in the coal industry, with personal characteristics being the strongest predictor. The beta coefficient for personal characteristics was 0.585, indicating a strong positive relationship. Organizational characteristics also had a positive effect, with a beta coefficient of 0.276. However, training design did not show a significant impact on training satisfaction. These findings highlight the need for coal companies to focus on personal and organizational factors when designing training programs to enhance satisfaction and improve training outcomes.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd5421
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