Organizational culture and knowledge management as strategies to improve the efficiency in the public organizations sector of emerging countries

César Augusto Bernal-Torres, Anne Marie Zwerg-Villegas, Loyda Lily Gómez-Santos, Germán Fracica-Naranjo, Josefernando Giraldo

Article ID: 5381
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 490 (Abstract)


The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence about the relationship between Organizational Culture and Knowledge Management in public sector organizations in Colombia. This research is based on information obtained from a survey applied to workers in different positions and areas of four organizations in the Colombian government at the departmental level. A survey of 22 items measured Organizational Culture, and 19 items measured Knowledge Management. The results show that the strongest correlation is between a flexible organizational structure and leadership that foments the development of worker capabilities to register and use knowledge. Furthermore, to achieve efficiency the public organizations should foster adaptability to environment, a well-defined management and value-oriented human behavior and overcome barriers such as bureaucracy, inefficient administration, and make adequate knowledge management.


organizational culture; knowledge management; public sector; emerging countries; strategy

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