HIBLISS framework: Security & happiness by design

Chun-lin Liu

Article ID: 5297
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024


Complex security systems are designed to elevate physical security. Besides people’s first-hand experience of being secured, there is a secondary sensation of anxiety while being watched which should be given a particular emphasis. In this paper, first the Security & Happiness by Design Framework is proposed which is based on research findings in psychology. After a brief literature review on scholarly works addressing the intersection between security and psychology. The concept presented by HIBLISS, the Happiness Initiated Behaviour Led Intelligence Security System, underscores the integration of user well-being, behavioral analysis, and advanced technology within security frameworks. Specifically, the case study of the Jewel Airport in Singapore is cited to enhance the concept’s applicability, detailing its advantages and its role in a holistic risk assessment methodology.


security and happiness by design; connect-sense-response; security system; detection; infrastructure; security risk assessment; threat; terrorist attack

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i9.5297


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