Linking social capital as mediated by self-efficacy and its impact on farmers’ well-being: The case of Guizhou Province, China
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
In recent years, how farmers leverage social capital to improve their well-being has become a crucial question in post-poverty alleviation China. This study assessed the impact of ‘linking social capital’ on farmers’ well-being, as mediated by self-efficacy. The study was conducted using data collected from 443 randomly selected farmers from two villages in Guizhou Province, China. The Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) was employed to analyze the proposed relationships in the study. The results indicate that linking social capital, when mediated by self-efficacy, positively impacted farmers’ well-being. This suggests that policymakers and implementers exercising hierarchical power in social improvement programs in disadvantaged provinces, such as Guizhou, should take full advantage of linking social capital to effectively improve farmers’ well-being. In doing so, the study concludes, they should consider the positive role farmers’ self-efficacy can play in the process.
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