Effect of payment for forest ecosystem services on forest conservation practices in Vietnam

Minh Duc Nguyen, Truong Lam Do, Thi Thanh Huyen Do, Nguyen Thanh Tran, Diep Do Thi, Nguyen To-The

Article ID: 5254
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


Payment for forest ecosystem services (PFES) policy is a prevalent strategy designed to establish a marketplace where users compensate providers for forest ecosystem services. This research endeavours to scrutinise the impact of PFES on households’ perceptions of forest values and their behaviour towards forest conservation, in conjunction with their socio-economic circumstances and their communal involvement in forest management. By incorporating the social-ecological system framework and the theory of human behaviours in environmental conservation, this study employs a structural equations model to analyse the factors influencing individuals’ perceptions and behaviours towards forest conservation. The findings indicate that the payment of PFES significantly increases forest protection behaviour at the household level and has achieved partial success in activating community mechanisms to guide human behaviour towards forest conservation. Furthermore, it has effectively leveraged the role of state-led social organisations to alter local individuals’ perceptions and behaviours towards forest protection.


payment for forest ecosystem services; structural equations model; community-based forest management

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i5.5254


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