Investigating the effect of financial literacy on financial inclusion: Mediating role of financial technology

Ellen Rusliati, Agus Supandi Soegoto, Dwi Martutiningrum, Dudung Ahmad Suganda, Difi Dahliana, Yulinda Yulinda, Pascalina Van Sweet Sesa

Article ID: 5193
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


This research aims to analyze the relationship between financial literacy variables and financial inclusion, the relationship between financial literacy variables and financial technology, and the relationship between financial technology variables and financial inclusion. The analysis of this research is to learn more about how financial literacy and the use of financial technology influence financial inclusion. This type of research is associative quantitative. Next, the relationship between these variables is explained using statistical formulas. Consequently, the term for this research is “quantitative research”. The study population is the number of people who use financial services. For this sampling, the purposive random sampling method was used. The following criteria are determined in sampling: 1) Minimum age 17 years, this is intended to take the minimum age standard in sampling and is considered capable of understanding the contents of the questionnaire statements. 2) Have ever used financial services. In this study, 11 question items were used to measure 3 variables, so this study used the largest range, namely 231 respondents. The intervention variable will be used as a reference for the Partial Least Square (PLS) method to analyze this research data. This study uses a causal model (causal modelling, relationships, and influence) or path analysis. The hypothesis that will be discussed in this research is tested using the Structural Equation Model (SEM), which is operated with Smart PLS. The results of this research show that financial literacy has a positive and significant impact on financial inclusion in society. Financial literacy has a positive and significant impact on financial technology. financial technology has a positive and significant impact on financial inclusion, financial technology can offset the impact of financial literacy on financial inclusion. The results of this research are used as input for the community so that they pay more attention to their internal human resources related to financial products that can be used for investment. With knowledge of the right financial products, it is hoped that they can create good financial behaviour so that an awareness of the importance of carrying out good financial planning. For financial institutions, it is hoped that this can increase easy access to financial products and services, in particular credit for businesses as additional capital for the community.


financial literacy; financial inclusion; financial technology; SMEs; SEM, Indonesia

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Copyright (c) 2024 Ellen Rusliati, Agus Supandi Soegoto, Dwi Martutiningrum, Dudung Ahmad Suganda, Difi Dahliana, Yulinda, Pascalina Van Sweet Sesa

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