Enhancing social welfare in Kazakhstan: A strategic approach to adopting international social security standards

Anarkhan Kuttigalieva, Zhanna Khamzina, Saulegul Yermukhametova, Bakitzhan Zhaxymbetov, Yermek Buribayev

Article ID: 5159
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


This article presents a comprehensive analysis and strategic framework for enhancing social welfare in Kazakhstan through the adoption of international social security standards. This article aims to formulate scientific and practical recommendations for enhancing the legal framework governing Kazakhstan’s social security system. It posits that integrating international social protection standards is pivotal for refining national legislation and charting future developmental courses. Employing a novel methodology, this study analyzes key documents from the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). It also examines efforts to assimilate these international norms into Kazakhstan’s social security laws. The investigation reveals a stagnation in the evolution of the nation’s social sector, marked by a dearth of innovative ideas and initiatives to elevate the subpar social security standards. The adoption of international social standards emerges as a catalyst for rejuvenating the national social sphere, aiming to elevate the Kazakhstani social protection system to meet global benchmarks. This research outlines the pathways for Kazakhstan’s ratification of and accession to key social protection instruments and offers expert recommendations to support this endeavor. The conclusions and recommendations developed are poised for application in legislative reforms, aiming to amend and enhance existing laws to foster a more robust and inclusive social security framework. The findings suggest that the adoption of international social security standards not only contributes to the improvement of individual lives but also fosters social cohesion and economic stability. The article concludes with tailored recommendations for Kazakhstan, highlighting the role of stakeholder engagement, phased implementation, and continuous evaluation in the successful integration of global social security norms. This research contributes to the ongoing discourse on social security reform, offering a valuable perspective for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners involved in social welfare enhancement efforts in Kazakhstan and similar contexts.


ILO; Kazakhstan; social protection; social rights; social risks

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.5159


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