Psychological contract fulfilment and innovative work behaviour: A mediated moderation model of work engagement and social support
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
This paper aims to research the impact of psychological contract fulfilment on employee innovative work behaviour, and the mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of social support. A quantitative analysis was adopted to address in research. Two-wave data were collected from 332 respondents working in China. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to assess the proposed hypotheses. Results revealed that psychological contract fulfilment positively impacted innovative work behaviour. In addition, engagement partially mediated the relationship between psychological contract fulfilment and innovative work behaviour. Furthermore, the findings suggest that social support moderates the relationship between work engagement and innovative work behaviour, and, in turn, moderates the indirect effect of psychological contract fulfilment on innovative work behaviour through work engagement. This research extends the generalizability of findings in the psychological contract literature. The results bear significant implications for the management of employees’ innovative work behaviour.
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