Global standards, local impact: The adoption of IFRS in Vietnam’s commercial banks

Quynh Trang Nguyen, Thanh Vu Nguyen

Article ID: 5133
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


This study explores the pivotal factors influencing the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the banking sector of Vietnam, focusing on the perceptions of its benefits, the competence of accountants, the involvement of managers, and the guidance from the accounting and auditing community. Employing Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) on data collected from 236 professionals across accounting, auditing, banking, and finance, the research reveals that the perceived benefits of IFRS, active managerial participation, and advice from the accounting-auditing community significantly encourage the adoption of IFRS within Vietnamese commercial banks. Interestingly, the competence of accountants was not identified as a significant determinant. These findings suggest a nuanced landscape of IFRS adoption, emphasizing the importance of managerial support and community guidance over individual accountant competence. The study contributes to the broader discourse on IFRS adoption, offering actionable insights for banks, policymakers, and potentially applicable strategies for firms in Vietnam or similarly positioned economies on the path to IFRS compliance.


IFRS adoption; Vietnamese banks; financial reporting standards; managerial participation; accounting competence; regulatory compliance

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