Types of perception towards workplace spirituality among nurses bring to work—Application of Q methodology
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
Purpose: This study aimed to explore the perception types of workplace spirituality among nurses. Method: To achieve this, Q methodology was applied, selecting 34 Q samples from a total of 102 Q statements extracted. The Q samples were distributed among 40 nurses and categorized into a normal distribution. A 9-point scale was used for measurement, and the data were analyzed using the pc-QUANL program. Results: The four types identified were ‘reflective type’, ‘nursing-oriented type’, ‘relationship-oriented type’, and ‘spirituality-oriented type’. Conclusion: The four types derived in this study classify nurses’ perceptions of workplace spirituality for establishing a nurse’s workplace spirituality that provides integrated nursing care. This categorization can serve as foundational information when planning workplace spirituality programs, considering each type’s characteristics.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.5097
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