Exploring the enablers of IOT in education: A qualitative analysis of expert tweets
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
The technology known as Internet of Things, or IoT, has started to permeate many facets of our lives and offers a plethora of options and empowerment, expanding the potentials of integrating it in education. Considering how new IoT is and how it may affect education, it is now essential to investigate its potential in order to choose where to begin using it in the classroom. Examining the possible applications of IoT in education may be strongly aided by the knowledge and perspectives of professionals and experts. As a result, the present research concentrated on looking at and evaluating the viewpoints that relevant experts shared on platform (X) via a variety of tweets. The present study takes a qualitative approach, analyzing a collection of expert tweets on IoT in education on platform X using qualitative content analysis. The primary themes of the study findings, the software-based and material-based enablers of IoT in education, indicate the key potentials of IoT in education. These consist of data, sensors, interactive devices, e-learning tools, network accessibility and communications, integrating developing technologies, and system administration. The enormous individual enablers of IoT in education also include sustainability, professional growth, planning, preparing the next generation, and upholding the safety of the learning environment. The study suggested that in order to handle the IoT, classrooms and the educational environment needed to be restructured. Additionally, human resources needed to be developed in order to keep up with the educational environment’s progress.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.5079
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