To leave or not to leave: Does trust really matter in the nexus between organizational justice and turnover intention among female employees?

Mansour A. Alyahya, Abu Elnasr E. Sobaih, Hassane Gharbi, Nadir Aliane, Karima Bouzguenda

Article ID: 5077
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


This study unveils the mediating mechanism and explores the role of organizational trust in the link between organizational justice and turnover intention among female employees in the banking industry. For this purpose, we gathered data from 336 female workers employed at a Tunisian prominent bank, encompassing both head office and branch locations dispersed throughout the country. Our study analyzed the data using AMOS statistical software version 25 and confirmed our research hypotheses. Our findings showed that procedural justice and interactional justice positively influence organizational trust, while they both have a negative impact on turnover intention among female employees. Furthermore, organizational trust significantly and negatively influences female employees’ turnover intention. Ultimately, we have demonstrated that organizational trust completely mediates the link between procedural and interactional justice and female employees’ turnover intention. This highlights the significance of organizational trust in conditioning the relationships linking procedural and interactional justice to turnover intention among female employees. Hence, top management should put more emphasis on building organisational trust among their female employees to ensure positive attitude and behaviour. Other implications for practitioners and researchers are elaborated.


organisational justice; interactional justice; procedural justice; organizational trust; employee retention; turnover intention; working women; banking industry; Tunisia

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