Between two states: Cultural relation in frontier area Indonesia-Philippines

Uus Martinus Kamajaya Alkatuuk, Pristiwanto Pristiwanto, Salmin Djakaria, Hasanuddin Anwar, Muhammad Nur Ichsan Azis, N. Kenda, Nasrun Sandiah

Article ID: 4991
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


This article aims to describe and analyze pattern of management learning communities in frontier area Indoensia-Philippines. The relationship between Indonesia-Phlippines in frontier area represents a unique intersection culture and dynamic interplay onf interaction. The people in frontier area were relating by the historical events in the past. This article using historical methods; heuristic, critics/verification, interpretation and historiography were to emphasize the utilization of primary sources. The primary source collected from the oral tradition between Indonesia-Philippines people in frontier area. This article employs a social scientific approach to elucidate the cultural relationships within border communities. Cultural relationships are indicative of an extensive process that exerts influence on communal living practices in the management of their existence as a unique identity. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the cultural relations in the frontier area between Indonesia and the Philippines. The findings offer insights into the intricate interplay of factors shaping cultural dynamics in border regions, contributing to a deeper understanding of cross-border interactions and the construction of cultural identities.


border area;community; identity; management; population

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