Towards sustainable improved labor conditions for fishermen: Insights from the Republic of Korea and Norway

Jeongmin Lee, ChangHee Lee

Article ID: 4976
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


This study examined the labor regulations regarding the hours of work and rest for representative fishing countries (Norway) by the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention C188—Work in Fishing, 2007. A dual comparative analysis with Norway is used to explore policy implications for the representation and protection of fishers’ labor standards in Korea. This study examined the possibility of synchronisation between national and international legislation on the hours of work and rest for fishers, with a particular focus on the Norwegian case. The objective is to identify policy enhancements related to the Korean Seafarers Act. This study looked in depth at the fatigue and well-being problems faced by Korean fishers working long times on various vessels. It is based on the results of a qualitative comparative study. To achieve the objectives, We proposed to ‘the name of the fishing vessel’, which are excluded from the protections afforded by the Seafarers Act and to clarify the regulations regarding the labor standards for them. This proposal will provide compensation and protection for Korean fishers’ labor rights. It aims to enhance labor conditions in line with ILO standards, harmonize national and international agreements to protect small-scale fisheries and contribute to the development of environmentally friendly propulsion technologies, such as hydrogen-fueled electric hybrids and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).


working hours; rest periods; fishers; comparative analysis; Seafarers Act; ILO Convention C188; policy implications

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