Optimizing online visibility: A comprehensive study on effective SEO strategies and their impact on website ranking

Mohammad Khalaf Daoud, Abdel-Aziz Sharabati, Tariq Samarah, Daher Alqurashi, Amjed Alfityani, Mahmoud Allahham, Ahmad Yacoub Nasereddin

Article ID: 4860
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


This study aims to have a more diversified view of the online visibility through attempting to evaluate the effectiveness of various SEO strategies in placing on website in search engine result. This research involves 400 respondents where it checks how keywords as one of the SEO strategies affect website ranking as well as technical SEO and off-page strategies. The appropriateness of the relevant keyword, as the result shows, there is a significant connection with the website ranking, closely trailing the importance of technical SEO in positioning the website on the first page, exerting a pronounced impact. While off-page strategies are the third most dazzling one: a significant degree of its residence/impact on website ranking. This research is a significant contribution to the field of digital marketing and its literature as it delivers an in-depth understanding on the major factors that affects online visibility and website ranking.


online visibility; SEO strategies; website ranking

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.4860


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