Exploring the interplay of financial literacy and financial well-being: Insights and strategies for augmenting overall financial satisfaction

Afroze Nazneen

Article ID: 4854
Vol 8, Issue 5, 2024


This study investigates how financial literacy affects the financial health of Saudi Arabian banking industry workers in Saudi Arabia. The study uses a sample of 183 individuals and a comprehensive framework that includes components like financial behaviour, risk management, financial planning, financial knowledge, financial confidence, financial communication, and overall financial pleasure. The study finds strong positive correlations between many aspects of financial well-being and financial literacy through correlation and regression analysis. Notably, risk management, financial behaviour, overall financial contentment, and financial confidence are all positively impacted by financial literacy. The results underscore the multifaceted character of financial well-being and underscore the critical function of financial literacy in moulding favourable financial consequences. Furthermore, the study pinpoints particular domains in which focused financial literacy initiatives might be executed to augment the general financial welfare of banking industry staff members. The study sheds light on the relationship between financial literacy and well-being in a particular occupational context, which is significant information for both the academic and practical domains. The banking industry needs customized financial education programs because of the social and management ramifications. These programs will help the community’s overall financial health in addition to providing benefits to individual employees. In its conclusion, the study makes recommendations for other research directions, such as longitudinal studies and examinations of the function of digital financial literacy in the changing banking environment.


financial literacy; financial well-being; banking sector; financial knowledge; financial satisfaction

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i5.4854


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