Enhancing civil servant career development: A talent management approach in Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
This paper aims to explore how developing countries like Indonesia have an approach to managing talent to enhance career development using an application system. The application of talent management in the career development of civil servants in Indonesia includes planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating career development. Talent management is essential for the government sector and can help improve employee quality, organizational performance, and the achievement of human potential. This research aims to examine the application of talent management in organizations and develop a state civil apparatus information system (SI-ASN) to support the career development process of civil servants. The research methods used include library research and field research, including interviews with competent officials in West Java Province as primary data. The qualitative data was collected in 2022–2023. The results of this study show that the application of talent management for civil servants in Indonesia is considered appropriate, as it directs employees to positions that are in line with their qualifications, competencies and performance. However, it requires an improvement in the methods used, particularly for competency tests, which may be conducted with new methods that are more efficient in terms of budget and time. The study concluded that the application of talent management in the career development of civil servants in Indonesia has a positive impact on the quality of leaders and organizations because it ensures that the appointed leaders are the most competent ones in the field and shows the importance of talent management in succession planning and the career development of civil servants.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.4832
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