Measuring concentration in the Colombian telecommunications market

Cesar Hernandez, Ernesto Cadena, Luis Pedraza

Article ID: 4823
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 49 (Abstract) 20 (PDF)


Telecommunications markets have a giant impact on countries’ economies. An example of this is the great potential offered by the internet service, which allows growth in various aspects such as productivity, education, health, and connectivity. A few companies dominate telecommunications markets, so there is a high market concentrations risk. In that sense, the state has to generate strong regulation in the sector. Models for measuring competition in telecommunications markets allow the state to monitor the concentration performance in these markets. The prediction of competition in the telecommunications market based on artificial intelligence techniques would allow the state to anticipate the necessary controls to regulate the market and avoid monopolies and oligopolies. This work’s added value and the main objective is to measure the current concentration level in the Colombian telecommunications market, this allows for competitive analysis in order to propose effective strategies and methodologies to improve competition in the future of Colombian telecommunications services operators. The main result obtained in the research is the existence of concentration in the Colombian telecommunications market.


algorithm; competition; market concentration; indicator; telecommunications market

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