Marketing investment and its impact on profitability and sustainable growth

Ihab Ali El Qirem, Abdul Razzak Alshehadeh, Ghaleb Awad Elrefae, Shorouq Eletter

Article ID: 4788
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


This study aims to elucidate the impact of marketing investment dimensions (MTS, MTOE, ROMI) on profitability indicators (ROA, ROE, GPM, OPM) and sustainable growth indicators (SGR, ARG) for service companies. The study population consisted of 135 service companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. A purposive sample of 55 companies was selected from this population. Financial reports and statements from 2018–2022 for these companies were analyzed to achieve the study objectives, employing appropriate statistical methods like multiple regression to test hypotheses. Previous literature shows conflicting results regarding the relationship between marketing investment dimensions and profitability/sustainable growth. Some studies found positive impacts, while others did not. This study contributes to this debate by providing statistical evidence. The results show that higher MTS, MTOE, and ROMI have a positive impact on SGR, OPM and ROA but a negative impact on GPM, ARG, and ROE. This underscores that marketing investments should be viewed in conjunction with overall operating expenses. Companies that control other expenses and increase the marketing investment proportion of total operating expenses may achieve better financial performance. Marketing investment metrics can serve as useful diagnostics and measures of effectiveness for improving marketing profitability, financial performance, and growth. In summary, this study statistically demonstrates the nuanced impacts of marketing investments on service company profitability and sustainable growth indicators. The results emphasize analyzing marketing spends in context of broader expenses and overall company financial health.


marketing investment; profitability; sustainable growth; service sector companies

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