Linking responsible leadership and sustainable performance through the mediation of maintenance management implementation and agile organization

Gregorius Setyadhi Budhi Dharmawan, Veithzal Rivai Zainal, Mafizatun Nurhayati, Suprapto Suprapto

Article ID: 4708
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


Under the concept of independent maintenance proposed by the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) for operational equipment, a thorough analysis of its management processes is necessary. Leadership involvement at various levels can affect maintenance outcomes, impacting sustainability. This research creates a thinking model that connects responsible leadership (RL) with sustainable performance (SP) through agile organization (AO) mediation and maintenance management implementation (MMI) in the management of leading operations equipment. The method used was a survey of 366 respondents who were BMKG employees, and explanatory analysis was analyzed based on descriptive statistical analysis using SmartPLS. The research results show that the third hypothesis proposed is acceptable, and the two mediator variables are partial mediation. The discussion of the study results shows some theoretical and practical implications for achieving the goals of SP, where organizations should encourage RL behavior that can implement current practices regarding AO and MMI. The test results show that AO and MMI have a significant role as mediators in encouraging the influence of RL on SP. This study is the first step in examining the relationship of RL to SP using AO and MMI mediation. Furthermore, this model can be developed and analyzed in other sectors or fields to increase knowledge.


sustainable performance; responsible leadership; maintenance management implementation; agile organization

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