Study of factors influencing the organizational commitment of Generation Z working in the IT sector of Vietnam
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
This study aims to advance understanding of the factors affecting Generation Z employee commitment in the workplace of the information and technology (IT) companies in Vietnam. A survey of 450 Generation Z employees in IT companies shows that company remuneration, reward and welfare, work environment, colleagues, direct manager, promotion, job characteristics, green initiatives are positively related to Generation Z organizational commitment. More specifically, work environment and direct manager have the highest effect on Generation Z employee commitment to organization while promotion and colleagues have the lowest effect on Generation Z employee commitment to organization. Research results also revealed that green initiatives of the organization have significant effect on Generation Z employee commitment in companies. This finding suggests that including green initiatives in corporate strategy is a valuable approach for improving Generation Z employee commitment to organization. We discuss the implications for theory, practice, limitations, and directions for future research.
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