Transitioning from green screens to green scenes: Exploring how short videos influence Gen Z’s choice of eco-conscious travel destinations
Vol 8, Issue 4, 2024
The digital era has brought immense attention to the tourism industry through the pervasive influence of social media. Social media content profoundly shapes travel aspirations among the Chinese Generation Z, mainly through short videos. This study aims to unravel the intricate dynamics between short videos and Gen Z’s travel preferences, shedding light on their motivations, environmental consciousness, and adoption of sustainable tourism practices. Three regression models were applied in this study to shed light on this correlation. The initial model examines factors influencing the general travel intentions of Chinese Gen Z. The subsequent model delves into determinants affecting the adoption of responsible tourism practices among Gen Z. Then, the last model identifies factors contributing to tourism-related environmental awareness among this population. Through empirical analysis conducted via a structured questionnaire administered to 506 Chinese Gen Z individuals, this study’s findings confirm that well-crafted short videos significantly impact the travel intentions of Chinese youth, thereby fostering responsible tourism practices and increasing environmental consciousness. This highlights the pivotal role of argumentation quality and source credibility in shaping Gen Z’s travel intentions, underscoring the importance of credibility in promoting responsible tourism practices and environmental awareness. Furthermore, this study analysis reveals that females exhibit greater susceptibility to the influence of short video content on travel decisions than males. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the critical role of integrating short video content into marketing strategies within the tourism sector, particularly in the Gen Z demographic.
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