Analyzing governance in Brazilian sports confederations

Gustavo Bavaresco, Thiago Santos, Fernando Marinho Mezzadri

Article ID: 4695
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 112 (Abstract) 47 (PDF)


The application of governance in recent years appears as a tool of entities that organize sport. Considering this aspect, it was observed that many sports entities present problems in following mechanisms to improve management, both in national and international contexts. Governance materializes with principles of transparency, accountability, equity, institutional integrity, and modernity, in order to aid sports entities. Thus, the development of sports entities could improve management, professionalization, and innovation. Based on the aforementioned, this article aims to demonstrate whether the principles of governance found in the literature are contemplated in Brazilian sports confederations, pointing to the possibility of finding distinct characteristics among the confederations, and the confederation with the highest index for Brazilian sports. The methodology is a longitudinal discursive analysis. The results use data from 2015 to 2022 from the Sou do Esporte Governance Awards and the analysis is based on five governance principles; transparency, equity, accountability, institutional integrity, and modernity. The confederations were found to have adopted the principles of governance to improve, professionalize, and optimize their sports management. The results suggest that the use of governance can enhance the confederations and improve the management, legitimacy, and development of sports in Brazil. The authors consider the nuances reported in the study as imperative to improve the progress of Brazilian sports, and the contribution made could generate other discussions in different contexts and countries.


governance; sports entities; sports management; infrastructure; sports development; professionalization

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