Sustainable development through green finance—An exploratory investigation in the financial industry of France

Mariam Sohail, Soha Khan, Ahsan Akbar, Martina Hedvicakova, Syed Arslan Haider

Article ID: 4668
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


In order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations and address the growing global concern for ecologically responsible activities, this study examines the role that French financial institutions play in financing a green future and promoting sustainable development (SD). Through semi-structured interviews with twelve participants from banks and Fintech companies, the research investigates their familiarity with green financing commitments to international organizations and associations, their views on the growth potential of green finance, and the provision of green finance products. Additionally, it explores the connection between green finance and its positive influence on SD. Data analysis was performed using NVivo 12. The findings highlight a strong commitment to green finance and sustainable practices among these institutions, emphasizing the significance of integration and utilization of green finance products across various sectors. This research emphasizes the crucial role of financial institutions in France in driving a greener and more sustainable future through green finance.


green finance; sustainable development; Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG); financial institutions

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