Factors influencing the decision to use rooftop solar power systems in Vietnam

Hung Van Tran, Anh Viet Tran, Nhan Quang Ai Ho, Duong Ngoc Pham

Article ID: 4631
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 2860 (Abstract) 2669 (PDF)


Renewable energy is gaining momentum in developing countries as an alternative to non-renewable sources, with rooftop solar power systems emerging as a noteworthy option. These systems have been implemented across various provinces and cities in Vietnam, accompanied by government policies aimed at fostering their adoption. This study, conducted in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam investigates the factors influencing the utilization of rooftop solar power systems by 309 individuals. The research findings, analyzed through the Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) model, reveal that policies encouragement and support, strategic investment costs, product knowledge and experience, perceived benefits assessment, and environmental attitudes collectively serve as predictors for the decision to use rooftop solar power systems. Furthermore, the study delves into mediating and moderating effects between variables within the model. This research not only addresses a knowledge gap but also furnishes policymakers with evidence to chart new directions for encouraging the widespread adoption of solar power systems.


rooftop solar power systems; decision-making; renewable energy adoption; PLS-SEM

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i6.4631


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