Pandemic effect on company’s sustainability debt policy: The case of Portugal

Ana Maria Martins, Gualter Couto, Pedro Pimentel

Article ID: 4608
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024


Amid the relentless grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainability has emerged as a paramount concern across global economies. As businesses grapple with unprecedented challenges, the imperative for sustainable practices in corporate finance becomes increasingly evident. Throughout this crisis, companies have faced staggering financial strains, with diminished turnovers and escalating operational costs pushing many to the brink of collapse. In response, governments worldwide have provided vital support, albeit often insufficient, underscoring the necessity for sustainable mechanisms of intervention. Central to this discourse is an examination of how companies have adapted their financing policies amidst the pandemic’s tumult. Government-backed credit facilities have served as a critical lifeline for numerous businesses, emphasizing the need for sustainable financial instruments readily deployable in times of crisis. Concurrently, moratoriums on existing credit obligations have offered temporary relief, albeit with looming concerns regarding heightened corporate indebtedness. Moreover, the pandemic’s aftermath has witnessed a pronounced uptick in corporate borrowing, compounded by surging interest rates. This confluence underscores the exigency for companies to adopt sustainable financial strategies, mindful not only of short-term exigencies but also the enduring ramifications on financial stability. In navigating these challenges, a holistic approach to sustainability is imperative. Governments must ensure robust support mechanisms, while companies must proactively seek sustainable financing solutions. Concurrently, stakeholders must meticulously weigh the long-term repercussions of financial policy adjustments, thereby fortifying corporate resilience against future crises while safeguarding the stability of the global economy. In essence, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the critical imperative for sustainability in corporate finance. By heeding this call and embracing sustainable practices, businesses can navigate crises with greater resilience, ensuring not only their survival but also the enduring stability of the economic landscape.


companies; COVID-19; financing; debt; pandemic

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