Integration of business intelligence and marketing: Enhancing corporate reputation in the financial services sector

Tariq Khairo Issa Al Daabseh, Nader Mohammad Saleh Aljawarneh, Khalid Al Smadi, Ahmed Alnawafleh, Tamara Adel Al-maaitah, Ala'a Al-junaidi

Article ID: 4603
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024

VIEWS - 190 (Abstract) 76 (PDF)


This investigation extends into the intricate fabric of customer-based corporate reputation within the banking industry, applying advanced analytics to decipher the nuances of customer perceptions. By integrating structural equation modeling, particularly through SmartPLS4, we thoroughly examine the interrelations of perceived quality, competence, likeability, and trust, and how they culminate in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Our comprehensive dataset is drawn from a varied demographic of banking consumers, ensuring a holistic view of the sector’s reputation dynamics. The research reveals the profound influence of these constructs on customer decision-making, with likeability emerging as a critical driver of satisfaction and allegiance to the bank. We also rigorously test our model’s internal consistency and convergent validity, establishing its reliability and robustness. While the direct involvement of Business Intelligence (BI) tools in the research design may not be overtly articulated, the analytical techniques and data-driven approach at the core of our methodology are synonymous with BI’s capabilities. The insights garnered from our analysis have direct implications for data-driven decision-making in banking. They inform strategies that could include enhancing service personalization, refining reputation management, and improving customer retention efforts. We acknowledge the need to more explicitly detail the role of BI within the research process. BI’s latent presence is inherent in the analytical processes employed to interpret complex data and generate actionable insights, which are crucial for crafting targeted marketing strategies. In summary, our research not only contributes to academic discourse on marketing and customer perception but also implicitly demonstrates the value that BI methodologies bring to understanding and influencing consumer behavior in the banking sector. It is this blend of analytics and marketing intelligence that equips banks with the strategic leverage necessary to thrive in today’s competitive financial landscape.


business intelligence; customer satisfaction; banking sector reputation; structural equation modeling; data-driven marketing strategy

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