Unveiling the interplay of financial and moral incentives in elevating employee performance within healthcare organizations: A Klang Valley, Malaysia exploration

Abdullah Abdulaziz Bawazir, Rudzi Binti Munap, Ali Nasser Al-Tahitah, Ahmad Syukri Jamaludin, Loo Veen Win, Joshua Deon Gomez

Article ID: 4586
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


In today’s rapidly evolving organizational landscape, understanding the dynamics of employee incentives is crucial for fostering high performance. This research delves into the intricate interplay between moral and financial incentives and their repercussions on employee performance within the dynamic context of healthcare organizations. Drawing upon a comprehensive analysis of 226 respondents from three healthcare organizations in Klang Valley, Peninsular Malaysia, the study employs a quantitative approach to explore the relationships between independent variables (career growth, recognition, decision-making, salary, bonus, promotion) and the dependent variable of employee performance. The research unveils that moral incentives, including career growth, recognition, and decision-making, significantly impact employee performance. Professionals motivated by opportunities for growth, acknowledgment, and participation in decision-making demonstrate heightened engagement and commitment. In the financial realm, competitive salaries, performance-based bonuses, and transparent promotion pathways are identified as crucial factors influencing employee performance. The study advocates a holistic approach, emphasizing the synergistic integration of both moral and financial incentives. Healthcare organizations are encouraged to tailor their incentive structures to create a supportive and rewarding workplace, addressing the multifaceted needs and motivations of healthcare professionals. The implications extend beyond academia, offering practical guidance for organizations seeking to optimize workforce dynamics, foster job satisfaction, and ensure the sustainability of healthcare organizations.


career growth; recognition; decision-making; salary; bonus; promotion; employee performance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.4586


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