Projects financed through the regional program influences on the economic performance of the enterprises in the field of specialized professional services
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024
The research is focused on the evolution of the enterprises, in the field of specialized professional services, medium-period, enterprises that implemented projects financed within Regional Operational Program (ROP) during the 2007–2013 financial programming period. The analysis of the economic performance of the micro-enterprises corresponds to general objectives, but there can be outlined connections between these performances and other economic indicators that were not considered or followed through the financing program. The study case is focused on the development of micro-enterprises in the services area, in the Central Region, Romania (one of the eight development regions in Romania). The scientific approach for this article was based on a regressive statistical analysis. The analysis included the economic parameters for the enterprises selected, comparing the economic efficiency of these enterprises, during implementation with the economic efficiency after the implementation of the projects, during medium periods, including the sustainability period. The purpose of the research was to analyse the economic efficiency of the selected micro-enterprises, after finalizing the projects’ implementation. The authors intend to point out the need for a managerial instrument based on the economic efficiency of companies that are benefiting from non-reimbursable funds. This instrument should be taken into consideration in planning regional development at the national level, regarding the conditions and results expected. Although the authors used regressive statistical analysis the purpose was to prove that there is a need for additional managerial instruments when the financial allocations are being designed at the regional level. This study follows the interest of the authors in proving that the efficiency of non-reimbursable funds should be analysed distinctively on the activity sectors.
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