Complex thinking model with sustainable development goals: Analysis with scenario-based learning for future education

Virginia Rodés-Paragarino, María Soledad Ramirez-Montoya, Luisa Morales Maure, Ricardo Rosales

Article ID: 4580
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024

VIEWS - 272 (Abstract) 172 (PDF)


In the present and future of education, fostering complex thinking, especially in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is critical to lifelong learning. This study aimed to analyze learning scenarios within the framework of a model that promotes complex thinking and integrated design analysis, to identify the contributions of linking design models to the SDGs. The research question was: How does the open educational model of complex thinking link to the SDGs and scenario design? The analysis examined a pedagogical approach that introduced 33 participants to the instructional design of real-life or simulated situations to develop complex thinking skills. The categories of analysis were the model components, the SDGs, and scenario designs. The findings considered (a) innovative design capacity linked to SDG challenges, (b) linking theory and practice to foster complex thinking, and (c) the critical supporting tools for scenario design. The study intends to be of value to academic, social, and business communities interested in mobilizing complex thinking to support lifelong learning.


complex thinking; educational innovation; higher education; scenario-based-learning; sustainable development goals

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