Green banking practices: Towards sustainable banking sector for financial inclusion in attaining Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
VIEWS - 365 (Abstract)
Overwhelming studies unanimously agreed that preservation of the environment is a central climax in the discourse of green banking. There is a growing interest in exploring green banking practices for fostering financial inclusion, economic growth and sustainable development as part of Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia. There are insufficient studies that examine this in the context of Saudi Arabia. This study aims at exploring the potential of green banking in order to attain sustainable banking and financial inclusion in achieving vision 2030in the country. Qualitative content analysis is used as a methodology of the study. Data were gathered through different sources such as: Web of Science (WOS), related journals, newspapers, published references, research papers, library sources and environmental organizations reports. It is indicated that green banking initiatives can be instrumental in fostering sustainable economic and environmental development in the Kingdom. The paper highlighted various activities of green banking such as: renewable and clean energy, financing green agriculture/food security, high-quality infrastructure among others. Nonetheless, some impediments to the green banking practices such as: risks facing green banks, poor quality of financial services among others are also mentioned in this paper. The paper proffers solutions to the challenges impeding green banking practices. In conclusion, the financial and banking industries in Saudi Arabia has been proving reform of the sector through greening economy. It is there suggested that the stakeholders and policymakers should provide efficient and effective technical, operational legal frameworks for enhancing green economy in achieving Vision 2030 in the country.
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