Policies and laws on human resource development in agricultural sector in Vietnam now

Khuyen Kim Hoang

Article ID: 4558
Vol 8, Issue 7, 2024


In the trend of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the trend of digital transformation, along with the orientation of building ecologically sustainable agriculture, modern countrysides, civilized knowledge farmers, meeting the requirements of international economic integration. More than ever, countries’ agriculture requires human resources from managers to researchers and those directly getting involved in agricultural production that meet the standards of professional qualifications, capacity and quality of work performance. In Vietnam, in terms of resources in the agricultural sector, there is a surplus of manual and simple labor but a shortage of high-skilled workers and lack of good managers and organizers. In terms of policies and laws in the field of agriculture, it is relatively complete when there are 15 laws passed in 4 production sectors: fisheries, forestry, horticulture and animal husbandry. This is an important legal basis to mobilize resources, including agricultural human resources in order to develop the country. However, the legal system on human resource development in the field of agriculture in general and on training, education, compensation and support in particular is still lacking and scattered. Thus, the article focuses on analyzing the current status of regulations and practices of implementing regulations on human resource development in the agricultural sector, thereby proposing corresponding policies and laws in Vietnam in the next time.


agriculture; human resources; human resource development; human resource development in the agricultural sector

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i7.4558


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